Vegans, take heart: Here's an appealing dish for the grilling season. Pressed tofu is marinated in chimichurri -- an Argentinian herb sauce that's usually...
Delicate watercress often gets the salad or garnish treatment, but it offers far more than just a sprinkle of peppery flavor. Harness its nutritional power...
Think of these shiitake crisps as your new vegan "bacon" bits and sprinkle them on our Winter Cobb Salad as well as on deviled eggs or baked potatoes with...
A tomato-based sauce that originated in the Catalonia region of Spain, Romesco has a rich, nutty, and slightly sweet flavor thanks to the addition of bell...
This creamy (yet dairy-free) dip uses two ingredient powerhouses that are rarely combined: umami-rich miso and nutty tahini paste. Rounded out with a little...
A blend of two different types of flours and the absence of eggs in this homemade pasta dough give whatever pasta you make from it that signature al dente...
This Crispy Rosemary Garlic Potatoes are crispy on the outside while being soft and tender inside. This simple recipe tastes incredible and makes the perfect...
Whether it's Meatless Monday or Taco Tuesday, these hearty portobello tacos are wonderfully uncomplicated to make and absolutely delicious to eat. Ready...
Hoisin sauce tastes much better when mixed with other ingredients. This is also good as a marinade for fish, chicken, or beef. Try it with our Rice-Paper-Wrapped...
You are going to want to eat this vegan gravy straight from the pot with a spoon! The vegan brown gravy uses mushrooms, nutritional yeast, and soy sauce...
Asian aromatics and tart green apple are quickly sauteed, drawing out their full flavor, before the remaining ingredients are added. The lingering heat...
Even the most hardened tofu-skeptics will love the just-off-the-rotisserie flavor of these baked bites. They make a great substitute for chicken in this...
Salty, spicy, chewy, vegan alternative to beef jerky. Perfect for hitting the trails or snacking on at home. This has no cure as beef would so it is important...
Extend the summer by making these oven-dried tomatoes, packed in oil with herbs, to enjoy when the warm weather is gone. They're juicier and more versatile...
In this vegetarian sandwich that's an ode to the Vietnamese banh mi, eggplant slices are brushed with a sweet-and-briny glaze of soy sauce, lime, rice...
This vegan recipe is can be made with many different variations. Try using different nuts and different vegetable combinations. To make pecan or sunflower...
The payoff of preparing dried beans-as opposed to using canned-boils down to tenderness and taste, plus the full-bodied, fragrant (and freezable!) herb-infused...
This vegan recipe is can be made with many different variations. Try using different nuts and different vegetable combinations. To make pecan or sunflower...
I adapted this from a turkey burger recipe when I went vegan. It is also gluten-free if you use gluten-free soy sauce. I use it as a post-workout meal,...
Instead of the classic brown-sugar glaze, these carrots and turnips are tossed in a tangy rice-vinegar dressing; a spoonful of apricot marmalade and freshly...
Wheat berries are a delicious and nutty add-in or main ingredient for nearly any meal. Use them alone as a side dish or in a recipe such as my recipe for...
This vegan cheese tastes like cheese and has a strong cheese aftertaste. The glutinous flour creates the firm and slightly chewy texture of melted cheese....
This vegan cheese tastes like cheese and has a strong cheese aftertaste. The glutinous flour creates the firm and slightly chewy texture of melted cheese....